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tv   CNN Newsroom With Poppy Harlow  CNN  December 31, 2016 3:00pm-4:01pm PST

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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ you're in the cnn newsroom. i'm in for poppy harlow. you're looking at live pictures mow of berlin. that is where we're going to take you. fireworks ringing in the new year. there you go.
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it's the city's gate that once divided between east and west germany. we begin with the potential new hacking attempt from russia, this time against an electric company in vermont. burlington electric said malicious malware discovered one of its laptops and u.s. authorities believe it's the same malware russian hackers used to meddle in the presidential election. maintained none of the info has been compromised and officials involved in the investigation say they don't think it was an attempt to bring down part of the electric grid. cnn's paulo sandoval with more. within the last hour, i talked to general manager of burlington
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electric and you've been following the story and talking to officials as well. what stood out in your mind in terms of how he described the risk and the danger of what has occurred? >> with that general manager confirmed much of what we were hearing from several sources t about how this was initially discovered. department of homeland security that initially sent out advisory to several utility organizations and several entities across the country asking they be out an alert for cyber threat and initially sent the note and know there's least one utility company, the one we talked about there, the burlington electric in burlington, vermont, that did in fact notice something on their system, one of their laptops that was not connected to the rest of their system. these codes that was linked to grizzly step which is the name that was used by the department of homeland security to refer to recent russian hacking campaigns. the text at that vermont company ran a search for the particular code and sure enough, noticed a
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suspicious ip address. i want you to hear from the general manager, the conversation you had with him as he explains what he and the rest of those technicians did immediately after noticing the suspicious code. >> we were able to intercept the traffic as soon as we could and pulled the computer off before we believed it was able to do any other activity on the system, ultimately, further investigation into that but no indication that there was any compromise. >> that's burlington electric there, just confirming that they don't have any reason to believe that any of the customer information and mainly their grid itself was not compromised and suzanne, this latest information now that just came in a few moments ago from one of our colleagues, evan perez, after he spoke to a law enforcement source close to this investigation now saying that they do not believe that this was an attempt to specifically
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target or bring down that electric grid that serves up to 20,000 people. that's a key question here. why was this malicious software found on the computer and new reporting from the colleague, it doesn't seem they were trying to cripple the electric grid. >> good news out of this. thank you so much, appreciate it. this new threat comes just two days after president obama announced brand new sanctions against russia for elections hacking our own athena jones and president obama is vacationing in hawaii, a working vacation, of course. give us a sense of what the president is expected to do. he's got three weeks left in office. do we think that he has more coming on the cyber hacking? >> reporter: hi, suzanne. we know from the white house when they announce those actions the other day, they said this does not represent the sum total of our response to russia's
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aggressive activities. that's how they put it. that means we can expect more covert measures to be taken at a time of their choosing and these are measures that we're not necessarily going to hear about and not announced. one thing we know that's coming that will be made public is this full review that president obama has asked the intelligence agencies for a full review, not just into russia's efforts to affect this past election but also, malicious cyber activity related to our election cycle in previous elections. that report which will be released to congress is expected or information we expect to get on this cyber hacking issue. >> sure. and athena anderson, the president is also going to come back to washington and really try to sit down with members of the democratic party to try to protect what is potentially the biggest item, most significant of his legacy. that is, obamacare. can you tell us about what's
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behind that? >> reporter: that's right. he's coming next week. he'll be meeting with house democrats and senate democrats together on capitol hill on wednesday to try to strategize a way to push back that gop effort to repeal the affordable care act, this, as you noted, the president's signature domestic achievement and they have been pushing for people to continue to sign up for obamacare saying that any changes that are made won't be made immediately and also the thinking that you already have 20 million plus people who are benefitting from this law. the more people benefitting, the harder it might be for republicans to dismantle it but we already know from republicans that this is at the top of their agenda. democrats are going to be talking about ways they can fight back. we know there's going to be a day of action, we know that members of congress, democratic members of congress are planning public events features people who have benefitted from this law. so that is one thing that's high on the president's agenda trying
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to do whatever he can to protect that key legacy item. suzanne? >> looks absolutely gorgeous out there. please try to enjoy the last hours that you have out there for the new year. thank you very much. happy new year. >> happy new year. thanks. and i've been tracking president-elect trump's transition efforts as we head into the new year. here's how team trump wrapped up 2016. take a look. >> thank you very much. >> reporter: it's just the latest road block to a smooth transition. donald trump praising vladimir putin tweeting, great move on delay by v. putin. i always knew he was very smart. trump applauding putin's remarkable move to wait for trump to make office before responding to president obama's decision to expel russian diplomats and new sanctions. this comes on the heels of a back and forth week in which trump has blasted president obama, tweeting he thought it was going to be a smooth
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transition, not. to trump saying it was going smoothly. >> i just want to thank everybody. >> reporter: now the president-elect and his team characterizing the current white house's showdown with russia as politically motivated. >> even those who are sympathetic to president obama on most issues are saying that part of the reason he did this today was to quote, box in president-elect trump. that would be very unfortunate if that were the, if politics were the motivating factor here. >> reporter: trump's team continuing to dismiss the u.s. intelligence assessment on russian cyber attacks. >> we've been talking about this for a while. i think that, you know, all we heard all through the election was russia, russia, russia. whenever it came to anything donald trump did or said most days and now, you know, since the election, it's just this fever pitch of accusations and insinuations. >> amazing people. >> reporter: trump said he'll meet with leaders of the intelligence community for a briefing on the hacking matter but support trumper former new york mayor rudy giuliani
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suggesting the president-elect not bother. >> i would urge president trump when he becomes president trump have his own intelligence people do their own report, let's find out who did it and then let's bang them back really hard. >> reporter: now set for a direct confrontation with his own party. as top senate republicans john mccain and lindsey graham prepare to hold hearings and consider harsher sanctions against russia with a new congress returns. but trump's incoming chief of staff, reince priebus, warns the american people may not have the appetite for another conflict. >> they may be privy to information we don't know but i also know we're not interested in going to war all over the world either. >> reporter: up next, just six hours until the ball drops in new york times square and of course, welcoming in 2017. live pictures we look at here times square. jam packed, people excited for
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the new year coming up. it's going to be an incredible night. one that also has people, however, on edge. going to talk about what police are doing to keep everyone safe out there. that up next. you're live in the cnn newsroom. when a cold calls...
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more than a million partiers crowded into times square before the countdown to midnight. new york city stepped up security to keep them safe and learned lessons from terror
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attacks in europe. one example, the nypd is deploying 65 sand trucks weighing 40 tons each to block moving vehicles. still, officials stress they have no credible threats tonight. joining me live from tampa is former new york state homeland security advisor michael balboni. so tonight is a big night, probably a little stressful for some folks. give us a sense of how you keep these huge events like times square, the celebration there, how do you make sure that it's okay, that people can breathe easy a little bit? >> well, suzanne, all the adages of practice makes perfect and certainly, new york city has had a lot of practice dealing with all sorts of big events from national convention, republican national convention and pope visits and they do this event every single year and it's all about control. it's all about knowing where the perimeters are.
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it's all about resources and new york city pd is probably the best in the world in turning out officers who understand the tempo and the dynamic of the event but as you said, there are lots of lessons to be learned from around the world to what type of attacks could be thought about for this year. >> and we noticed as our report noticed and separate fenced off areas which we called pens. what does that tell us about the biggest vulnerability of these kinds of events? >> well, you really try to take off the table is a truck attack, a vehicle born improvise and explosive device and that's why you don't have parked cars anywhere near this area itself and have a lot of technology deployed. tv cameras. you also have the old fashioned undercover officers. the individual standing next to you might not in fact be a new year's eve reveler but office of the pd and tremendous coordination with other assets and what you also need is intelligence.
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folks from outside looking what's gone on before the event and of course, folks inside. >> and tell us more about these truck attacks because we have seen them take place in europe. we see how devastating they can be. explain how dangerous a weapon that is and a simple form but can do a lot of damage. >> so al qaeda has been putting out this magazine for years called "inspire magazine" and in it they have suggested means of attacks. one of them is the pressure cooker bomb we saw in the boston marathon bombing and in the chelsea attacks but also talked about using a truck to simply run down people and we've seen that in france and we saw it in canada and so this is certainly opportunistic attacks. they need to have control of the vehicle and be in a position to use it against unarmed vulnerable citizens and that's what you're taking off the table when you put out a perimeter of the sand trucks and controlling any type of vehicular traffic in the area. >> and police, of course, they only have a limited amount of
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resources. if they're determined to keep times square safe and we see what it entails there, how do we know other areas are more vulnerable to attack and might be a cost? >> sure. that is a perfect question in this dynamic threat environment. for the first time, a president-elect who has come to power in new york and normally, not tonight but normally, and a lot of assets around the world. how do you protect those assets and also, a lot of divisiveness and we know enemies want to try to exploit that and more over, it is the year of the lone wolf, as we've seen. you talk about the san bernardino and orlando, some of the attacks in europe and the individuals who become radicalized and then go out and attack. they don't give notice of it. they're not on the radar screens of security forces generally speaking and they have not done something that requires them to be now put in custody.
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those are the hardest persons to predict and track. >> michael balboni. we wish you a safe new year and thank you for your hard work, effort, and analysis. please be safe. happy new year. >> happy new year. when you hear about a computer hack, it's usually about someone who is stealing information but a hack can also do some serious damage. we're going to look at the cyber threat with the potential to knock out power to entire cities or regions. you're live in the cnn newsroom. rodney and his new business. he teaches lessons to stanley... and that's kind of it right now. but rodney knew just what to do...he got quickbooks. it organizes all his accounts, so he knows where he stands in an instant. ahhh...that's a profit. which gave him the idea to spend a little cash on some brilliant marketing! ha, clever. wow, look at all these new students! way to grow, rodney! know where you stand instantly. visit
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vermont power company said none were hacked by malware discovered on a computer but it's the exact same type believed used by russia in an attempt to influence the u.s. presidential election. investigators don't believe it was an attempt to bring down part of the electric grid. cnn's debra faric. >> u.s. critical infrastructure and the let is not only real but it has happened. and a recent pugh study said 94% fear a cyber attack second only to an attack by isis. >> so what happened is one of these large breakers or several
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of these large breakers were operated remotely by the attacker. >> it was the first known cyber attack of its kind. three attacks. 30 minutes apart. against three electrical substations serving ukraine's power grid. >> this is not theoretical. this has happened. we've now had a cyber attack on critical infrastructure that was destructive. >> destructive and a real threat to the united states, says suzanne spalding, in charge of protecting the nation's 16 critical infrastructure sectors. a power outage impacts everything. from air traffic control to subways and traffic lights, cell phones, computers, water and food supplies. cnn was given rare access to a government facility in idaho pals and a team led by marty edwards is busy identifying hackers and trying to stop them. >> is it difficult for some sort of a cyber attacker to take down a power grid?
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>> it's much more simple than we would like it to be. >> reporter: to show us just how simple it is, the cyber team recreated the ukraine attack. a hacker using a common e-mail phishing scam steals an employee's credentials, takes full control of the power grid and shuts it down. in the ukraine, power was knocked out to several of their substations. >> correct. >> reporter: could that happen here? >> you know, it could. all of our infrastructures are run by these computerized systems. >> reporter: underscoring america's vulnerability, the malicious code identified as having played a role in ukraine's attack is the same code dhs recently admitted is in hundreds if not thousands of u.s. computer systems that control critical infrastructure. the code known as black energy has been linked to russia. >> there are companies across the country and this is not just with respect to electricity
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companies that don't fully appreciate the nature of the threat. >> reporter: 75% to 80% of the nation's critical infrastructure is owned and operated by private sector companies, despite many warnings, dhs says some companies have failed to take even basic cybersecurity measures. >> it comes down to a business decision for the company. >> reporter: a business decision that could allow attackers not only to turn off the lights but to destroy the machinery as well. i'm standing on the actual testing site of the generator, the first test of its kind to prove that a cyber attacker could gain control of the generator and cause it to self-destruct. if an attack would happen on a generator, how long would it take to a plant to get back online? >> some of the electrical equipment takes years to manufacture. >> reporter: dhs trained more than 11,000 people in the private and government sector how to better secure their systems, that includes limiting
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remote access to those who need it and if there is an attack, worst case scenario, the only way to resolve it is to disconnect from the internet. deborah feyerick, cnn, new york. up next, they pose as everyday americans but don't be fooled. >> what they do is more than just collect. they actually try to influence events to the benefit of russia all over the world and this is something that they have done for decades. >> russian spies hard at work in the united states, but as we'll see, the u.s. also plays the spy game. you're live in the cnn newsroom. the real gift isn't what's inside the box... it's what's inside the person who opens it. give ancestrydna, the simple dna test that can reveal their ethnic origins. order now at
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35 russian diplomats have to be out of the country by noon tomorrow. the plane that is going to fly them out is waiting at dells
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international airport outside of washington. matthew chance is in moscow with more on putin's message. >> reporter: vladimir putin's new year address was broadcast across russia with no mention of donald trump, u.s. expulsions of diplomats, the war in syria or any that have gripped global attention. it's just a brief message of congratulations to the people of russia, that the end of putin described as a challenging 2016. take a listen. >> respected citizens of russia, dear friends, 2016 is slipping away. it was difficult but the difficulties we faced prompted us to open huge reserves of opportunities to move forward. >> reporter: putin called on russians to be merciful in the new year which is exactly how the russian president tried to
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cast himself, namely, his dramatic refusal to respond in kind to the u.s. expulsion of 35 russian diplomats over allegations of election hacking in a classic bit of political theater, putin publicly rejected the advice of his foreign ministry and said no one would be expelled over the holiday period even inviting the children over to watch new year's performances at the kremlin. earlier, putin also issued a new year's message congratulating world leaders. one name, absent from the greetings, president obama of the united states. instead, the greeting was offered to the president-elect donald trump. the president of russia sidestepping, ignoring the obama administration the last few weeks and making it clear that the future of u.s./russia relations will depend on the policies of the incoming trump administration. matthew chance, cnn, moscow. >> thank you, matthew. appreciate that.
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putin's congratulatory message. great move by v putin. i always knew he was very smart. it's not the first time trump praised putin or dismissive of his role in election hacking. back in october, trump dismissed reports from 17 u.s. intelligence agencies claiming that russian hackers meddled in the election and this week, the president-elect urged americans to move on from the issue. but talk with steven fish, the professor of political science and the author of democracy derailed in russia, the failure of open politics. professor, thank you so much for joining us. >> pleasure. >> what do you make of this relationship between putin and trump? >> it's hard to know what to make of it, historically, suzanne, this is unprecedented to show more respect for a
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dictator of a country that regards the united states as its sworn enemy, more respect for him than his own president and his own country's security agencies. you know, when the president-elect makes statements month after month, to call into question his loyalty to the united states, we know we're in a very different situation. >> the editorial board of the "washington post" released this blistering piece on trump's reaction towards russian hacking and part of it reads, why is mr. trump so dismissive of russia's dangerous behavior? some say it is his lack of experience in foreign policy or o off-stated admiration for strong men or naivete but were there hidden communications with mr. putin or representatives? do you think that any of this could be real possibilities?
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>> look, under normal circumstances with normal presidents elect, i would say no but we've never been in a situation like this before. he does seem to have a special affection for president putin. i think they are both in some ways conservative authoritarian populist leaders and seem to think alike in some ways and both think they should fly above the law and be immune to the law in their own countries. of course, trump is going to be president of the united states where you can't do that and putin is where you can do that. it's hard to know this affinity for putin. trump wants to kind of stick it to china over perhaps the trade surplus of the united states and you might think that putin could be an ally in that or perhaps loosen ties with russia and china and i think he thinks putin could be a great ally against isis but really still, you wouldn't expect even, you
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know, with those kinds of ambitions on trump's part for him to be so strangely complimentary to the russian president. again, a very strange situation indeed to be in. president obama finds himself trying to protect the united states by security interests from an incoming president-elect, very strange. >> just to be clear, i mean, there are very unanswered questions because we don't know about trump's tax returns. if we did, then we would be able to answer some of the issues and questions that you bring up, but you do bring up this issue about closer ties with russia and do you think that in part that trump is doing this to dissuade putin from attempting further cyber attacks or other things that would be harmful to the united states? >> i don't think so, because trump acts like he doesn't even think these cyber attacks happened and sucking up to your foe is not usually an effective way to prevent bad things from happening in the future. putin himself knows that.
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putin himself is playing trump like his useful fool and what's amazing is that trump seems to be going along with it. again, this is a very strange approach. of course, putin did not answer our sanctions. president obama's sanctions with sanctions of his own because he wants to make it easier for trump when he comes to office to rescind the sanctions and then trump can say, they didn't sanction us so perhaps we should not sanction them but that would be ignoring this entire system of cyber attacks on american democracy that russia has been carrying out. trump when he comes to office is going to have to continue to deny this stuff happens and everybody knows but him seems to know it's happening or he's going to have to say, it's okay. come and attack facilities. both are dangerous propositions. >> and having talked to trump transition officials, i'm sure they'd take issue with sucking up and would refer to that more as negotiating but we'll have to see their response in the days and the weeks to come,
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certainly. steve, professor, thank you so much. appreciate that. >> pleasure. >> for decades, they have been planted all around us. we're talking about russian spies. the goal to influence events in order to benefit russia. our cnn pentagon correspondent barbara starr is taking a closer look. >> reporter: fbi cameras captured russian operative emma chapman and the federal undercover agent meeting in a new york coffee shop in june 2010. 17 days later, chapman and nine other russian sleeper agents were arrested in new york, new jersey, and virginia charged with conspiracy to act as unlawful agents of russia, spies who had burroed deep into american society for years trying to steal secrets and recruit agents. the fbi had watched chapman and the others for months recording dropoffs of packages, meetings
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on staircases and even one meeting just yards from cnn's offices in new york. the u.s. believes the group never got its hands on classified information, but the russian infiltration into the u.s., a classic moscow move. >> what they do is more than just collect but try to influence events to the benefit of russia all over the world and this is something that they have done for decades. >> reporter: within days at the airport in vienna, an elaborately choreographed transfer. traded back four other russians charged with being in touch with western intelligence services. now the tstate department expelling russian officials it says violated their diplomatic status after the u.s. claimed interference in the presidential election and harassment of u.s. diplomats overseas. vladimir putin, of course, a
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former russian intelligence officer well acquainted with the so-called illegals program putting agents into society. >> the fact they'd continue to do that to establish these american legends and covers for these people trying to pose as americans in the united states shows how serious they are. >> reporter: but the u.s. has been also caught in the act. in 2013, ryan fogle, a political secretary of the u.s. embassy in moscow was arrested. the russians claim they caught him with wigs, dark glasses, and cash triefiying to recruit a run agent. fogle was expelled. it was never clear if he was set up by the russians. earlier this year, a u.s. diplomat was tackled and beaten by a uniformed russian police officer as he tried to enter the american embassy in moscow. >> the action was unprovoked and a danger to the safety of our employee. >> reporter: and in that latest incident, the u.s. wound up expelling two russian diplomats.
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this type of cat and mouse spy activity has been immortalized in tv and movies for years, but the reality can be vicious and very dangerous. barbara starr, cnn, the pentagon. this is cnn breaking news. >> we have breaking news into cnn. there has been an incident at a nightclub in istanbul. here are the pictures we are looking at now. this is from our affiliate at cnn turk which is showing us what is taking place there. these are emergency responders who are outside of the club and now we have seen people being carried out of the club and people beginning to gather and try to figure out what kind of damage has been done. we see some of those workers waving those people away to get them away from the scene. clearly, this is a situation
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that they are still trying to sort out now. we are going to be following this very closely. as soon as we get more information, we're going to bring this to you as we can. again, an incident at a nightclub in istanbul, turkey, and emergency workers, as you see, escorting people away from that nightclub. we're going to bring you more as soon as we learn more details.
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liver problems can occur with entyvio. if your uc or crohn's medication isn't working for you, ask your gastroenterologist about entyvio. entyvio. relief and remission within reach. as we get ready to celebrate the new year, one of the biggest worries out there is the economy. will the stock market hold on to a significant gain of recent weeks? u.s. stocks slumped yesterday on the last trading day of the year and how will donald trump's fiscal plans affect your money and your family? and what about the jobs market as well? these are all good questions for economists, actor/comedian ben stein. good to see you as always.
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>> always a pleasure. >> we'll do predictions as well but talk about the economic outlook for 2017. >> well, barring some terrible thing like war, i think it's quite good. an astonishing pick-up in consumer confidence and stock market is very strong, which is usually as some you do with consumer confidence and whether the stock market can continue to grow at this pace is extremely dubious but one never thougknow about the stock market. the real challenge now is getting people who have voluntarily left the labor force to come back in and go to work. i'll tell you, where i am, everywhere i go, i travel constantly in this country, all over the country, there are help wanted signs everywhere. never seen anything like it. >> it's a tough time for a lot of people going into the new year and ben, one of the things that you've been really pushing here is that you say every american should own stock.
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tell us why that is so important to you. >> because the main engine of growth for people's retirement plans is corporate profits and you, any person in america, can grab on to that by buying stock. you don't have to buy a huge amount. just a little bit month by month in the indexes which are incredibly inexpensive to buy. you don't have to try anything fancy. i wouldn't say go to any kind of fancy guru. just buy the standard portion index on the dow jones industrial average and outperform almost all the manage funds by a little bit each month. do it from the time you start work to retire, you'll be a very comfortable man or woman and your life will be changed. having money in your jeans when you're past 65 makes a lot of difference. stocks are the way to go. stocks for the long run, don't try to outdo the averages. just buy the averages, buy stocks. >> that makes a huge difference if you start when you're 21 and then a little nest egg and it works. >> it's incredible. it's incredible.
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it's unbelievable. i have so many friends who are smarter than i am, more famous than i am and i'm better off than they are because my father said to me, when you have my bar mitzv mitzvah, buy a little stock and add a little bit and itworked quite well for me. i'm not a wealthy person but it's worked incredibly well. that's the name for america and the worker, buy stock. >> buy stock. okay. we hear you. do you think stock markets will break 20,000 in the coming year? >> i don't know. but i know that over the next many years, it will do very, very well. i know that over a long period of time, it performs every other class. you don't have to do any fuss, no muss. a lot of people say, buy rental housing and rent it out. great if you want somebody calling you at 2:30 in the morning with a stuffed toilet, but i say, no. just buy stock and read it online and see how they're doing
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and just set it, forget it and do it over and over. they don't just belong to the rich but. >> keep it there. i want to ask you about the trump administration. >> don't ever sell. >> the trump administration coming in here, one of the things i covered was this carrier plant and trump announcing these jobs that had come back to the united states that these manufacturing jobs in indianapolis here. you have a critique about this because you don't buy it. i mean, you've said before that you think this is somewhat of a somewhat. explain how. >> what happened was the taxpayers of indiana bribed carrier to either bring the jobs back or keep the jobs there. that can't be done. you can't have the taxpayers bribing every company that's threatening to leave and take jobs somewhere else and i don't believe in general that the government should control the movement of capital or the
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movement of machinery or factories everywhere. we are a free trade society. it's made us very rich. obviously, when people lose their jobs, they should be given compensation and a retraining. they should not ever have to suffer or go hungry or worried about paying mortgages but not have government control over the economy. that lies venezuela and catastrophe. >> when you look at what we're facing here, what do you make of how the economy is going to behave and perhaps under a trump administration, where we're going to go in terms of progress? >> well, i don't think there's much mr. trump can do to lower the unemployment rate very much below what it's at. it's already at an incredibly low level. i think the idea of cutting the corporate tax is a good idea. there shouldn't be any corporate tax at all but all taxed directly to the owners of the corporation and mainly a
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stockholder but i don't think there's much you can do to accomplish any miraculous returns but one thing you can do which will accomplish the returns. cutting down on the obama administration that's issued regulations almost a pure negative except for environmental ones which my old pal mr. nixon started out with a clean air act. let's keep those in place, our air clean but other than that, let's keep regulations to a bare minimum. >> ben stein, good to see you as always, happy new year. >> happy new year to you. >> you're brave enough to go with predictions. not a lot of people got predictions right this past year. thank you so much. >> i'm sure himine won't be rig either. >> we'll be right back with more on the breaking news story, that is this incident at a nightclub in istanbul. you can also check it out on for the latest details all evening. customer service!d. ma'am. this isn't a computer...
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breaking news, turkey's state run news agency says there has been an armed attack at an istanbul nightclub. several people are injured. you're looking at these pictures here, images broadcast on local news channels in turkey.
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now showing ambulances and police vehicles responding to this incident. it also shows there are some wounded being loaded into balances and carried to a hobble. cnn turk foreign editor telling us this is a high-end nightclub in a busy part of the town. our own cnn's ian lee is going to the scene, we will bring you more as we learn more about about this armed incident. you can also check out -- i'm being told now we have ian lee live -- we're still working on ian lee live, we're trying to get him on the phone for more details. but let me just walk you through this. this is istanbul, and a number of the emergency vehicles
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brought to the sight. we see a gurnee being pulled away from the sight. ian, do you hear us now? >> i do hear you. >> can you tell us where you are and what you're seeing? >> right now we are heading to the scene of the incident. we're hearing there are several people injured, we have not heard of any confirmed casualties in this incident. we heard there has been one gunman, just to give you context around this, there has been a heavy presence here tonight. a large police presence across the city because of the new year's eve celebration. this incident is something that
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the police were preparing for, something like this, but we don't know at this point who is behind it, and the details of the motivation behind this attack, this incident, tonight. >> i just want to tell you what kind of pictures we have been watching here. we have been seeing a lot of people leave the sight on their cell phones. they seem rather calm, but they are communicating with others, as they were walking away there. do you know if the gunman is still on the loose? is this something that has been resolved? >> right now, from the best of our knowledge, we don't know the current status of the dun man, the person very much could well be still on the loose, and that
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is something that i'm sure the police are looking into right now. but we have not heard from the authorities whether or not they have neutralized the gunman. this is something they have permanents a number of times over the past year advantagically. there have been a number of attacks across the country. the police have been on high alert. they were prepared tonight for an incident. we're not on the scene yet, we're heading there right now. but the police have a heavy presence there and there is a lot of traffic likely backed up from the heavy police presence at the sight. sure, just to be clear here, you say the police have been preparing for something like this, for an incident like this. as this high end nightclub, or are you talking about?
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general, or places of entertainment and places where people gather because of the previous incidents occurred? >> this is more in general. tonight, the central location in istanbul, we were experiencing even traveling through it tonight, there were a police corden, they were searching people and bags and patting people down, looking for anything suspicious. and this is something we have seen across the capital. a vf police presence. there is quite a heavy police prese presence right now. they have been prepared for something like this to map, but it's a large city, there's new years celebrations all over the
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town, and something like this while the police are prepared, it is difficult to prevent something like it. >> we report the breaking news, a gunman that open fired, a heavy security presence there, that high end nightclub there in istanbul turkey. for those of you watching, and you can also go to for the latest details as we follow the story all evening.
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